Beau Edwards
BAppSc(Osteo) M(Ost)
Professional Association:
Australian Osteopathic Association
Beau Edwards graduated from the University of Western Sydney in 2004, with a Masters Degree in Osteopathy, and has worked at Thirroul Natural Healing Centre, since 2006.
Beau is a registered member of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, and maintains his registration requirements. He is also a member of the Australian Osteopathic Association, and engages in ongoing training and development.
Special Interests
Beau treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal problems, both acute and chronic. Many cases involve the identification and correction, of long held strain patterns from injuries or over use, ‘long since forgotten’. These old strains cause alterations in the patients’ biomechanics, which inevitably manifest as injury and pain somewhere in the body. Until the underlying strain is corrected, any relief in symptoms of the presenting complaint are usually short lived.
Many patients also suffer pain and injuries throughout their bodies, due to their inherent foot structure. To correct for these anomalies, Beau uses foot beds designed to train the bodies own muscles to strengthen the foot, and provide a stable platform for the body to stand and move upon. Patients of all ages may benefit from these.